Churches and chapels


Parish priest:  father Martin Bonkalo, SDB
Adress: AZ1110 Baku, Orujev st. 2A (Xətai)
(how to find us)
Tel: +994-012-555-1067

Whatsapp: +994-51-701-9691


The Church of the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception was built in 2006 according to the Italian architect Paolo Rujero’s project in the modern style with elements of New Gothic. The statue of the Virgin Mary by local sculptors was set up over the entrance of the Church which has 200 benches. On 29th April, 2007 the Apostolic Nuncio in Transcaucasia Monsignor Claudio Gugerotty administered the rite of consecration of the Church.

The Church was able to be built thanks to Pope John Paul the Second’s visit to our country in 2002. The plot of land for building was presented to the Church by Azerbaijan President Heydar Aliev.

Shedule of Holy Masses 


Parish priest: father David (Behbud) Mustafayev

Adress: AZ 1069 Baku, Mammad Araz st. 69/b/1 (Ganjlik)
(how to find us)
Tel: +994 12 562 22 55

The Chapel of St. John Paul II (the former Christ the Redeemer’s Chappel and Parish) is located in a private residence purchased by Salesian brethren with the object of organizing a permanent place for celebrating divine services and the Order monks’ living. It was the main place of celebrating divine services of the Catholic Church in Azerbaijan for a long time and on finishing the construction of the Church of the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception, all the main services were transferred there.

In 2021 the new Parish of St. John Paul II was created in Baku and the Chapel of St. John Paul II became its parish church.

Shedule of Holy Masses 


The Shelter for the homeless
Prioress: sister Rafaela
Address: House 2, Ganjlik Parky st., Zikh road, Baku, Azerbaijan (bus 2, 175)
Telephone: +994 12 372 64 16

(to the address of the Apostolic Prefecture in Ganjlik (St. John Paul’s Chapel with the mark “for Sisters MC”)

The Shelter for the Homeless, supported by the Order of Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Sisters – Missionaries of Charity has been working in Azerbaijan since May 2006. The main purpose of its activities is to help the needy in the spirit of Christ’s love and charity, independent of their religious convictions.

Elderly people who have been made homeless and cannot earn daily bread are admitted into the Shelter provided they do not have relatives who can help them. Persons suffering from mental illnesses of all kinds are not accepted to the Shelter because they require specialized care and medical attention, which are not possible in the conditions of the Shelter, also people suffering from alcoholism are not admitted into the Shelter.

Persons made homeless can stay at the Shelter for a period of two to three months, within that period besides being given support, they are given help in searching for lodging and upkeep (with their relatives or in specialized state institutions and so on). First of all, the Sisters work in the interest of the indigent, using every opportunity to regulate their life. Seriously sick and dying people are an exception.

The Shelter can take 30 boarders, who reside in the two common wards for men and women, the boarders assist the nuns with daily tasks (tidying up, cooking, and washing).

The boarders are fed three times a day; they get necessary medical service carried out by the nuns, who are medically trained, or by physicians called in case of need. In case of a boarder’s death the Shelter ensures an adequate interment in accordance with the funeral ceremony requested.

People who have their own house or flat but do not have means of subsistence can get required nourishment in the Shelter. The Sisters are also ready to visit lonely old people who cannot take care of themselves by reason of malady or infirmity.

The Sisters of Charity render assistance to the needy, independently of their religious convictions, and they on no account insist on changing religion as condition of putting boarders in ward

If you know a person who, in your opinion, needs above-mentioned help, then you can get in touch with the prioress using the telephone number and e-mail stated at the page.

Shelters of Mother Teresa’s Sisters are only supported on the means collected by the Catholic Church all over the world. The Sisters of Charity working in Baku will be very much obliged to everybody who will want to give the unfortunate any donations in the form of money, provisions, garments, bedclothes, medical supplies, dressing and so on. Anyone can apply using the address and the telephone number stated on the page.