Catechetical Instruction

What Catechetical Instruction is and why it is necessary?

Catechetical Instruction is studying the truths, that Church accepts in its teaching. Catechism is the Church teaching covering all the theses of the Christian faith, which each Christian should know and understand. It is not possible to become a Christian, a Catholic without realizing what they mean, and so Catechetical Instruction is necessary for every person who has taken a decision to join the Church by baptizing or to become a member of the Catholic Church after being baptized in another Christian community.

Who needs to take a course in Catechism?

If you decide to become a Catholic, you need to take a course in Catechism. If you have not been baptized in a Christian church or a community yet, Catechetical Instruction is called preparation for Baptism. The Catholic Church in Azerbaijan has fixed 1,5 year’s time for the preparation. Baptism of catechumens (persons who take a course in Catechism) usually takes place at Easter. Catechetical Instruction is also necessary for those who are Christians of another Christian community, but they have expressed a wish to join the Catholic Church. In such a case Catechetical Instruction is considered the preparation for receiving Sacraments.

How and where the lessons are given?

The Lessons are given in both of the parishes of the Catholic Church in Baku. As a rule, various groups for the preparation for Baptism or receiving Sacraments are formed – in accordance with the catechumen’s age and native language. The lessons are prepared and led by priests or catechists. There is also an opportunity for individual lessons, which are given by priests or catechists in agreement with them. The curriculum is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All the lessons are free of charge. If there are any changes you will receive the information personally or in the parish announcements.

How I can join a catechism group?

If you want to join a catechism group for the preparation for Baptism or adopting Sacraments, you can inform of your desire the parish priest of the parish you attend and get all the necessary information of catechumen’s groups at present and other possibilities. You can also contact the priests on the phone as shown on the pages of the parishes.